
Monday, 28 January 2013

Is Nudism OK for our kids?

Is Nudism OK for our kids?

Imagine two young boys.  One has visited a nudist club many times with his family, the other may have only rarely seen a parent unclothed, and they may have seemed embarrassed when that happened.

The non-nudist boy says to his friend, "Look what I've found!" as he shows the nudist kid a copy of Playboy or some similar magazine, which he found somewhere.

As they look at the pictures of scantily clothed, erotically posed women, the boy who has seen hundreds of people of all ages and body types, will probably think,  "I've seen lots of naked people before.  Why does he want to sneak looks at this?"  He might also think, "This isn't even what most people look like."

Growing up without shame

Puberty can be a very difficult time for adolescents;  their bodies are growing rapidly, their genitals are changing, body hair is developing.  Some kids feel clumsy.  Many are embarrassed by the changes that are taking place.  They can become VERY body-conscious.  At that time, a wise parent will try to keep lines of honest communication open but still give them privacy and time to be alone in their room or with their friends.  Most adolescents would rather be ANYWHERE except where their parents are.

All these things happen to nudist kids, too.  The one big difference for kids who were lucky enough to grow up in a nudist environment is that those kids have literally seen those changes take place, as their older friends and/or siblings went through that difficult time.  Because of that experience, they are better prepared for it themselves.


We read in the papers almost daily of some teacher, youth leader, church official or some other trusted individual who took advantage of a child in a sexual way.  With hundreds of nudist clubs in North America, that problem almost never takes place at our facilities.

A family which is open enough to have experienced nudism, just like a healthy non-nudist family, is also open enough to have discussed sex abuse with their children.  These children know that they can tell their parents immediately if they ever suspect that something is wrong.

We have been told by authorities that the reason nudist clubs have a very low incidence of sex offenders is that we have the reputation of prosecuting those individuals, while until recent years, many other organizations have "swept those problems under a rug", more concerned with their public image than with the safety of the people they should have been protecting.

Historically, sex abusers have felt much safer committing their misdeeds within organizations which have tried to cover up their problems with molesters.

You may find it encouraging to know that Bare Buns, and many other nudist clubs, have a very good relationship with law enforcement agencies.  Some of their officers are members of our club.  You can be certain that if we were doing anything illegal or immoral, they wouldn't join.  Instead, they would very quickly close us down!

Another fact to ponder:  Almost all sex offenders are males.  At a nudist club, it would be very easy to tell if a man were to become sexually excited.

Some other interesting facts

Surveys show that overall, adults who were reared as nudists think of their childhoods as having been stable.  They also find that nudists tend to be very slightly better educated than their non-nudist peers.

We don't present this information in an attempt to try to make ourselves appear to be "better" than our non-nudist friends;  instead, this information could explain some other interesting observations about nudists' lives:

The divorce rate is lower among nudist families, and their children tend to make better grades than similar children in non-nudist families.  We don't think that this is BECAUSE the families are nudists;  it's more likely that the marriages are more stable AND their kids make good grades AND the families are nudists because the family members  tend to communicate a little more openly with each other in their daily lives.

Learning to accept and respect all bodies

In spite of what Madison Avenue would have us think, human bodies really do come in all sizes, shapes, and conditions.  Few are "beautiful" using Hollywood's standards.  We think it's helpful for kids to learn this early on;  you may be aware that in those parts of the world where nudity is acceptable at places like the beach and public saunas, there is a much lower rate of eating disorders and suicides among youth.

In those cultures, where kids see all types and ages unclothed, they learn acceptance of the maturing and aging processes;  they don't think they have to have face lifts, boob jobs and collagen injections to become socially acceptable;  they don't grow up thinking "You are what you wear".

They've probably never had a case of a kid being killed for his tennis shoes or his Eddie Bauer jacket!

We think that when Americans learn to accept the body as natural and wholesome, many of our social problems which stem from body acceptance will decline.


  1. Congratulations, great post!

  2. nudism is ok for kids because when they're exposed to erections they have a better understanding of their body

    1. Exactly. I just posted a response (below) to this man-hating idiotic article.

    2. Jason, I've been a nudist for a long time and lived at a nudist resort for two years now and I've NEVER seen an erection at any of the nudist resorts I've been to. You don't seem to know what you're talking about and don't understand what nudism is about.

    3. Fully agreed. Children should be made comfortable around other people's body, no matter the age. Girls should be okay with nudity so they show their teen bodies and have no issue showing their tits and pussy with pubes. Boys should be okay with showing their penis, whether it's erect or not

  3. I was raised in a Nudist Family,with three Sisters,and it was wonderful for me..However each family should make that choice for themselves.I will not judge those who do not raise their kid(s) Nude,that's just the way they wish to raise their kids.I just hope that if they do raise their kid(s) in the Nudist Lifestyle that their kid(s) are taught the correct way of showing respect for those who wish to not teach their kid(s) to be Nude.Besides,being a Nudist is enjoying the freedom of a true Natural Life,that is the closest to Nature without restrictions,then being clothed.The feeling of the Natural Environment on your skin is a wonderful thing,that everyone should experience in their life....It's still great for me,and I love to see kids being happy in life,and playing without a care....It brings a smile to my heart.

  4. Such an ignorant post. It is NOT true that "almost all" men are abusers - there are plenty of female abusers, and taking into account those who don't get reported to police, research puts the percentage of female abusers at the 50% mark.

    Secondly, a man having an erection does not mean he is sexually aroused. Anyone who had even BASIC sex education or who is male and has been through puberty would know this. Any doctor or psychologist will tell you that men get friction erections (erections caused by the penis rubbing on something, such as clothing or even the guy's own leg), nocturnal erections (erections that happen randomly during sleep), and spontaneous erections (erections that happen for absolutely no reason at all).

    Virtually every nudist club I've seen recognises this in it's FAQ section, telling men to hide it IF it occurs (which is silly as it's not something a man can help - and responding this way makes teenagers -who get spontaneous erections much more often than ost adult males as they go through puberty- embarrassed, a state which makes abuse easier. It also goes against body acceptance). And naturally, a man may also be aroused by a WOMAN whilst being in the proximity of children. That does NOT mean he is attracted to the children any more than a woman having a nipple erection in the proximity of kids means she's attracted to children.

  5. South Amèrica, Perù, 2014, july, 25. Good day ladies and gentlemen. This article is very important for to know the real human mind of our body. Thank you.

  6. Thanks! An excellent article. I have written my opinion about naturism and children in:

  7. I think nudism is a great idea for kids, it helps them accept nudity as a lifestyle and a thing that's good for them. I think kids of all ages should spend time without clothes as Nudists. I'm a nudist myself.

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